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Retirement Funds Audit Committee
The object of the Committee is to advise the Board and its Executive Committee in the successful pursuance of the Institute’s objectives in terms of all the legislative and technical issues affecting members of the IRFA.
Pieter Cronje - Chairperson
Geraldine Fowler
Mandla Nkosi
Vusi Mashile
Alison Jackson
Candice Whitefield
Carryn Drummond
Coleen Viljoen/Aqeel Omarjee
Elbie Smith
Evette Vanrenen-Linford
Julanie Basson
Laven Chetty
Magdeline Kekana
Mahomed Lockhat
Ronel van Graan
Santoshi Jugmohun
Ugeshen Moodley/Makhado Mushumi
Vijay Reddy
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