Click her to view the November publication in an e-magazine format
Click here to download the Final IRFA 2020 Virtual Electronic Programme
IRFA Conference - 8th to 11th November 2021
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the strict health protocol requirements, the IRFA have decided to approach this year’s conference a little differently.
The proposed duration of the conference will be one day. We will host four separate sessions to provide adequate opportunities for people to attend in person, and to ensure that we adhere and comply with COVID protocol requirements for large events and gatherings.
8th to 11th November 2021 – Hybrid Onsite and Virtual Conference
Monday, 8th - Tuesday, 9th November 2021: Emperor's Palace (Johannesburg session)
Wednesday, 10th - Thursday, 11th November 2021: Cape Town International Convention Centre
We are also offering an online registration option, where you will be able to join the conference via live streaming. People who register for the in-person events will also get access to the live streaming to view conference discussions they may have missed on the day they attended.
IRFA Conference 2021 – The Way Forward
Recent times have forced us all to find new ways of working and engaging with our communities and friends. The IRFA has recognized this need for our annual conference, the biggest of its kind on the African continent. We have identified alternatives to our traditional conference model. Going forward we will be utilising technology to create engagement platforms and allow wider access to participants who may be unable to travel, and for now, due to health concerns unable to meet in person.
Our new delivery channels will ensure that we can continue to provide our stakeholders with world class relevant and informative content from thought leaders in the retirement, investment and government sectors.
More information pertaining to the program content, sponsorship and exhibition opportunities and levels of engagement will be announced shortly.
Yours sincerely
Enos Ngutshane
Former IRFA President